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Fine Art

Fine Art Currently at DuVin Pintor

As you sit back with your glass of wine, and select cuisine, listening to the live jazz fill your ears, you will see art from artists from around the world thus all walks of life. Letting your mind get lost in brush strokes as you move in a vortex of creativity, that could potentially be added to your home environment. 

Featured Artists

Dustin Vermillion

Dustin Vermillion is a lawyer consultant from Spokane, Idaho currently residing in Sandy, Utah with his wife, and six kids. After time dealing with chronic pain Dustin taught himself how to paint to help pass the days.

Dallen Lambson

Dallen Lambson, a second generation artist, has been fully immersed in the world of artistry throughout his life. Honored as Artist of the Year by both the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Mule Deer Foundation, many have come to appreciate Dallen's keen eye and steady hand. Drawing inspiration from God's canvas in the picturesque setting of Southeast Idaho, Dallen attributes his love of the outdoors to a rich family history spent outdoors hiking, fishing, and hunting.

Chris Madsen

I see the world in darkened tones and mysterious colors. As a published and gallery-displayed artist, I travel across the United States participating in some of our nation's most exciting art festivals. My vision is to create art that celebrates the dark, emotional side of the feminine.

My love affair with visual imagery took seed while I was working as a graphic designer. I began exploring the attributes that make an image meaningful to the viewer. What went into creating the work that pulled at my heartstrings? I describe my work as emotionally cinematic; shooting mostly strong, impassioned pieces that are a bit dark or macabre but still feminine and beautiful. I present the emotion behind the piece and allow the viewer to imagine a story. My art is more than what I do- its how I feel, its who I am.

I use a mixture of digital, film, and vintage process like cyanotype and platinum printing along with hand tinting in my creations. I am constantly striving to evolve my art to evoke my feelings into an image that matches the vision in my head. Art is ever evolving and beautifully challenging.

Makenna Cogan

“Hello! My name is Makenna. I am an artist, mother and wife. I have been an artist for as long as I could remember. I started sketching as a child, moved into painting as a teen and now I'm in love with fluid abstract art and resin. My hands are always creating; wether it be sketching, painting, using resin, knitting or making jewelry.”
-Makenna Cogan

Scott Tuckfield

Scott is an artist and musician based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Through his work, he strives to document and inspire evolution in human consciousness towards a state of more love, self-awareness, connection, unity, and understanding. In Scott's words "This is sometimes a blissful, and beautiful process, and sometimes a tumultuous and difficult one". "By creating the things that I do, I hope to lead viewers into a remembrance of their higher Self, as well as challenge them to examine their own thoughts and beliefs about what's really going on in the crazy reality of ours".


TJ Eisenhart

TJ Eisenhart is a world class cyclist from St. George, Utah. Born and raised in Lehi, Utah, he received his first road bike at age 11 and began competing in local races. He competed in his first USA National Championship at age 12, brought home a silver medal in the Time Trial. He began racing in Europe for the USA National Team at the age of 16. At age 18 he signed his first professional contract with BMC Devo Team where he raced extensively all over Europe. During this time he won the USA championship and represented the USA TT National Championship, represented the USA in two world championships. 2020 will bring a new experience as he will be racing with Imaginative Collective.

But before TJ ever started riding a bike he began his love for art. He began taking art lessons when he was 8 years old and had his major art sale when he was 11. He has journeyed through various mediums and loves experimenting in colors and style. His art is ever changing, expressing his love of life and personality. TJ's art is collected in private collections around the world.

Kenzie Miller

“I’ve always had a passion for art, because when I look at paintings I am able to see the way that that artist saw the world. The paintings of the past create a way for people of this time to understand the things that happened in history. It’s a way of showing who they are, what they’ve been through, or what they’re going through, and maybe even where they want to go in life.

With my paintings, my goal is to make people feel something whatever that may be. Some of them offer a sense of magic, because there can be magic in the landscapes you discover. They may have been discovered by other people but the new places you travel to were not yet discovered by you. Other paintings have more of a surrealistic sense to them, as they’re places you could only dream of going. Though, dreams are what makes the world go ‘round, and they push people to do the things they need to do to live the life they want. Don’t let the reality of the day-to-day life break down your dreams, and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.

I mostly paint landscapes in order to show the beauty outside of day-to-day life, and the adventures that one would be able to go on. I also mostly paint sunsets because to me that is when the sky really comes alive. The clouds become their own work of art, all of the colors that don’t usually belong transport you to a place of wonder and complete amazement.”

Tiffany Brazell

“Tiffany Brazell is an author and artist. She earned her Bachelors of Arts in Painting and Drawing from the University of Utah, where she specialized in Asian Art.
In her exploration of the art world, Brazell fell in love with the works of Hokusai and Murakami, as well as Picasso and other artists of the expressionist movement. These artists influenced the development of Brazell’s unique style.
Brazell has always been a creative and has been featured in art shows for over 15 years. One of her first awards was a submission to the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games. She is driven to interpret the connection she feels to the colorful world around her through a variety of artistic media. Her diverse body of work includes drawing, painting, pottery, sculpture, writing, and music
As an artist-writer, Brazell is particularly concerned with narrative. Narratives are central to the human existence. We search for them in everything, in an attempt to organize and make sense of our reality— particularly in the faces and forms of other living beings. Brazell’s fans love the way she draws attention to the beauty, intelligence, and personality of each subject, whether human or animal, though her use of scale and vivid color. Fans also note the way Brazell’s lifelong fascination with animal behaviors and interactions with humankind shines through her originality and technical skill.
Brazell is based in Salt Lake City. She enjoys caring for and training animals, including her Dalmatian, Russian tortoise, tiger salamander, hermit crabs, and a multitude of fish. When she is out and about, she most loves to SCUBA dive.”

Eslie Barlow

“Eslie Barlow, a self taught SLC adventurer exploring unorthodox methods in creating unique visual experiences, using everyday objects both as media, and instrument.”

Ivy Watrous

Ivy Watrous

“Ivy Ann Watrous is a Utah based artist, and a lover of the outdoors, great food, & upbeat music.
Ivy comes from a long line of family creatives, with her areas of expertise being acrylic painting, fashion design, jewelry making, and children’s books. She got her creative start at an early age in baking and pastries and uses some of those decorating techniques in her paintings now.

Her acrylic creations use a range of high saturated colors, bursts of metallic, & out of the norm techniques to create surreal images that flow with one’s imagination.”

Paige Schwartzburg

"I am from Ocala, FL. Born and raised. I grew up in a neighborhood full of boys so I was always a little tom boy. I loved playing football, basketball etc. It seemed though I was attracted to being on wheels. It started first with skateboarding all over the neighborhood. Learning to be better than the boys. One day my family took me into my brothers physical therapy office for a brain injury he had when he was about 4. There was a picture on the wall of a speed skating team and I said “ I could beat all of them”. The coach said bring her on in. After that, it was all over. I was in love. I remember getting my first pair of skates and skating all through the house. On the carpet. I was going to speed skating practice about 6 days a week after school. I could not wait to get home and eat dinner and then head to skate practice. All of this started when I was about 7. After a couple years of getting the hang out it, I started traveling domestically to competitions. I moved up in divisions very fast and started winning and staying top 3 almost every event for my age division. Fast forward a few years I was now 12-13 years old. These were my best years. Traveling to indoor national and outdoor national every year. Always ending up on the podium. Skating was the love of my life. I couldn’t thing of anything I loved more than to skate. I wondered if it would ever come to and end because I always heard my parents talk about how expensive of a sport it was. The endless sets of wheels you needed and other equipment that was necessary. I hoped that day would never come.
Fast forward another year to Indoor Nationals in Lincoln Nebraska. I believe it was 2004. My first Nationals with out my parents being there. I was excited to just be with my assistant coach at the time. Being that age it was cool to not have your parents with you. Podium in every race and even a few National records with my relay partner. It was an amazing competition. I was finally getting older and to a point where I was really about to take off with my skating career. Well at least that’s what I thought. The last night one of the older girls was having a party in her room and ended up having alcohol all over the room. I show up and so many skaters are there. We were having a blast and I knew I wasn’t supposed to be drinking at 13 but everyone else was doing it so I did to. Next thing I knew I woke up that next morning in the hospital. Not knowing what happened or how I got there. I knew I was in big trouble. I missed my flight back to Florida and ended up having to make other plans to get home. Once I got home, that was the end for me. My parents said I was never going to skate or see anyone from skating again. Devastated isn’t even a proper word for the feeling I felt. I thought my life ended. What else could I do besides skate? I fought them and begged them for sometime but they were firm on their answer. I ended up going through middle school always thinking about skating and how much I missed it but eventually it did start to fade. I knew I would never skate again and I had to move on. Taking away skating was the worst thing they could have done. Once I got into high school, I tried to play basketball and dabbled in other sports but nothing really resonated with me like skating. So I chose not to do anything. Instead, I found another hobby. Smoking pot and drinking beer. I got put into a Catholic private School my freshman year and found out that those kids threw some of the best parties. After a year in catholic school I ended up moving on to a public school where I got mixed in with the wrong crowd. At the time it seemed like the right crowd because I was having so much fun being a rebel. I would sneak out and wanted nothing to do with what my parents had say. I was smoking a pack of cigarettes a day at age 16 and drinking like it was my job. I ended up skipping school more than I went so eventually my JR year I dropped out and got my GED. I wanted to work and be able to party and hang out with my friends when ever I wanted. I worked at a carwash for about two years and that was where I got my money to smoke and drink. At this point it felt like my parents finally gave up because I pushed so hard. I eventually started trying more things like ecstasy and painkillers. When I look back and think of the countless nights I woke up and didn’t remember how I got there or how I didn’t crash driving home, it makes me feel like someone was really watching out for me. I finally ended up getting out of hand and I ended up getting a public intoxication violation and had to go to court. I had just turned 18. After my first court date I was put on probation.  After a month of behaving and trying not to violate my probation, I violated. I went to a hotel to drink with my friends and I remember that next morning my mom calling saying your color has been called and I have to go in and take a breathalyzer test. I was still drunk and blew positive. Two weeks later my mom called to tell me the cops just came by the house and I have to go turn myself in.
This is where my life turned upside down. I have hit rock bottom. Never did I think I would end up in jail. Ever. It was a rude awakening for me. Going into court to find out how much longer I had with shackles on my feet and cuffs on on my hands. This wasn’t meant for me. I knew after my 30 day sentence I needed to get myself together. Once I got out I started working at a gym and getting somewhat fit again. Long story short, one day a girl I use to skate with came into town and said she was Moving out to Salt Lake City to skate ice because she waned to go to the Olympics. Most people know her. Britany Bowe. She never stopped racing inlines and was finally transitioning to ice. I was at my grandmas ( Diane Dodge) at the time. She knew how much loved skating and I knew how much she wanted me to stop getting in trouble. After Brittany left she asked me if I still had a desire to skate.
I didn’t really know how to answer that. I always thought about skating but knew it would never happen. Because we financially didn’t have it and most of all, I had been destroying my body with drugs and alcohol for years and I was too old to start a new sport. I also had never set foot on ice in my life. She asked me again, “do you want to skate”? I said sure but how is this possible? She said “don’t worry about that and pack your shit, we are leaving in two weeks”. I didn’t believe her, there was just too much standing in my way. I was renting an apartment at the time and I asked my mom ( Tracy Anderson ) if she would take over my rent so I could move and skate again. She was 100 % for it. Two weeks later my car is packed and I’m driving out to Utah with my grandmother. It was terrifying and beyond exciting at the same time. I didn’t know what I was getting into. No place to stay there. No idea where to get skates or even start. When we arrived she got me all set up with equipment and an apartment and took a grey hound bus home and left me to start my skating career.
I wanted to move back instantly. I had my first practice on ice at age 20 and I needed a bucket to stand. I knew there was no way I would ever go to the olympics or let alone skate with out a bucket. I Decided to go out with some old skating friends that night that I knew from when I was a kid racing and went to jail for another public intoxication. I thought I ruined everything. Thought if my grandma found out she would yank me back to FL. I knew then it was time to really get my act together. I was out in salt lake city to train for the olympics. It took me a few years to really take that seriously.  2015 I finally made the US National Speed Skating Team. I never saw that coming. That year I also made me first World Cup team and have been making Word Cup Teams every year since then. I have attended two World Championships and am now on the path to making the 2022 Winter Olympic Team. A lot has happened in my skating career and I’m so grateful for my grandmother and mother for giving me a chance to turn my life around. Sometimes I have to take a moment and realize how far I have come.

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